June 27, 2023

30 Years of Dystonia Europe

This year Dystonia Europe is celebrating its 30th Anniversary. Back row: Didi Jackson, Germany; Alistair Newton, UK; Feli Justo Alonso, Spain; Alan Leng, UK; Gunilla Noren, Sweden. Front row: Tore Wirgenes, Norway; Jean-Marc Bildan, France; Laura Latini, Italy; Maja Relja, Croatia; Beppy Smitshoek, Netherlands. Absent: Kai Naunung, Denmark   Our organisation was formed as an…

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June 20, 2023

EFNA – Thank You Joke, Welcome Astri

At the beginning of May EFNA held its 22nd Annual General Assembly in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Representatives from several neurological umbrella organizations such as Parkinson’s Europe, Pain Alliance Europe, Ataxia Europe, Restless Legs Europe etc attended the meeting. There were roundtable discussions on the IGAP* initiative and how to implement this across Europe. The formal…

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