June 15, 2016

Dystonia Europe at the First BioPontis Alliance Patient Integration Workshop in Europe

This week, BioPontis Allicance held its first Patient Integration workshop in Europe, at the Bio Incubator in Leuven, Belgium. Dystonia Europe Executive Director Monika Benson participated together with representatives of about 10 other patient organizations. BioPontis Alliance is launching a series of Patient Integration Workshops in the US and in Europe. This workshop series has…

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May 8, 2016

The Third International Congress on Treatment of Dystonia

The first week of May Dystonia Europe President Merete Avery and Executive Director Monika Benson travelled to Hannover in Germany. The Congress started on Wednesday afternoon with the 2nd International Conference on Rehabilitation of Dystonia, followed by the 1st International Conference on Dystonia in Sports. This 3rd International Congress on Treatment of Dystonia brought together…

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April 11, 2016

D-DAYs 2016 in Oslo, Norway

A joint project between Dystonia Europe and NDF – the Norwegian Dystonia Association. It was a great honour for the Norwegian Dystonia Association (NDF) to be co-organizer of this year’s D-DAYS conference in Oslo, the capital of Norway! Since Oslo is my childhood city, and has an important place in my heart, it was very…

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March 19, 2016

Ipsen and Dystonia Europe met in Paris

This week the Dystonia Europe management met with Ipsen representatives at the Ipsen headquarters in Paris. Ipsen is one of the major companies manufacturing the botulinum toxin which is used to treat dystonia. The collaboration between Ipsen and Dystonia Europe has developed over the years and we have worked successfully together in partnership on several projects…

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