August 1, 2018

DBS: Effective Therapy for Dystonia Patients  

Interview with Professor Andrea Kühn from the  Charité, University Hospital in Berlin, Germany  The Charité University Medicine in Berlin is Europe’s largest university hospital and offers a comprehensive treatment spectrum at the forefront of medical care for patients from all over the world. One of the clinic’s focuses is the treatment of patients with movement…

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August 1, 2018

France | Lifting the Lid

Professor Brigitte Girard is a specialized ophthalmologist located in Paris, famous in dystonia and blepharospasm.  She’s the Vice-President of AMADYS (French dystonia association) Scientific Committee for many years.  She’s so dedicated to her patients and her field of work that she has decided to write a book on blepharospasm during her spare time and holidays! …

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August 1, 2018

Dystonia Europe on Youtube

Have you seen our Youtube channel? Follow us here to get our latest videos! At our 25th Anniversary Conference and D-DAYs 2018 in Brussels we live streamed and video-recorded our event for the first time. About 500 people watched the livestream during the two-day conference. Now all presentations are available on the Dystonia Europe youtube…

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