August 1, 2018

Karl Speech App  

New KarlSpeech AAC App Launched June 2018   – Developed by Dystonia Sufferer’s Parents  The KarlSpeech Smart Device App is an Augmentative Communications App (AAC) for people with severe Speech & Communications Difficulties. Designed specifically for Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, The App is integrated with Universal Symbols provided by SymbolStix.      The…

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June 30, 2018

Didi Jackson | In Memoriam 

Dystonia Europe announces, with great sadness, the passing of our former President, Didi Jackson on 14 February, 2018.  The 1980s and early 1990s were the early days of dystonia becoming better-understood by the medical profession, and it was very difficult for patients to obtain good information and medical advice.  Didi received her own diagnosis and…

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June 15, 2018

EFNA/BMP UPDATE | Summer 2018

It’s been a busy start to 2018 for the European Federation of Neurological Associations [EFNA]. Training Initiatives for Neurology Advocates  Already, there has been two workshops as part of its Training Initiatives for Neurology Advocates [TINA]– with both including dystonia delegates.    The first was another national workshop in Romania, to celebrate Brain Awareness Week…

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