September 10, 2019

Summer Think Tank 2019

Think Tank members joined later in the day in time for dinner. Members of the Think Tank are our Platinum sponsors: Boston Scientific, Ipsen, Medtronic and Merz. Unfortunately the representatives of Merz and Medtronic could not attend this time. It was a very fruitful meeting where focus was on what to do for next year’s…

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September 8, 2019

Capacity building on Empowering Leadership and Positive Organisational Governance EPF – Second Meeting Bulgaria

EPF held the second EPF Capacity Building Programme: Enabling Leadership and Positive Governance meeting in Sophia, Bulgaria in the beginning of September. The first meeting was in Brussels in March 2019, and you can read more about the meeting in the DE Newsletter 1, 2019.  The participants were leaders from countries throughout Europe, to mention…

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September 1, 2019

MDS Congress 2019 in Nice, France

The international congress of the “International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society” has taken place this year in Nice, in the south of France. Monika Benson and I decided to cover this event by holding a booth for Dystonia Europe and Amadys together. This congress is one of the biggest for international neurologists and movement disorders,…

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August 30, 2019

The Rebel Hand, Italy

A book presented at the A.R.D meeting in Florence, Italy. Carlo Iacomucci is an artist, born in Urbino, the birthplace of Raphael. He began to draw at the age of 13 years and to paint and engrave at 22, he has been a professor of painting disciplines for 36 years. There is no doubt that…

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August 30, 2019

The 2019-2020 Edition of The Brain, Mind, and Pain Grant is Looking for Projects Which Tackle The Reduction of Stigma

Pain Alliance Europe is happy to announce the second edition of the Brain, Mind, and Pain Patient-Centred Innovation Grant with the support of Grünenthal and partner organisations.  The core of PAE’s mission is to be the voice of patients, including chronic pain patients and patients living with a neurological condition. The new theme: “Stop Stigma! Reducing stigma for…

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