August 1, 2018

France | Lifting the Lid

Professor Brigitte Girard is a specialized ophthalmologist located in Paris, famous in dystonia and blepharospasm.  She’s the Vice-President of AMADYS (French dystonia association) Scientific Committee for many years.  She’s so dedicated to her patients and her field of work that she has decided to write a book on blepharospasm during her spare time and holidays! …

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August 1, 2018

Dystonia Europe on Youtube

Have you seen our Youtube channel? Follow us here to get our latest videos! At our 25th Anniversary Conference and D-DAYs 2018 in Brussels we live streamed and video-recorded our event for the first time. About 500 people watched the livestream during the two-day conference. Now all presentations are available on the Dystonia Europe youtube…

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August 1, 2018

Karl Speech App  

New KarlSpeech AAC App Launched June 2018   – Developed by Dystonia Sufferer’s Parents  The KarlSpeech Smart Device App is an Augmentative Communications App (AAC) for people with severe Speech & Communications Difficulties. Designed specifically for Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, The App is integrated with Universal Symbols provided by SymbolStix.      The…

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