On June 4-6, 2020 the Samuel Belzberg 6th International Dystonia Symposium (IDS6) will take place in Dublin, Ireland. This Symposium represents the latest chapter in a definitive series of international dystonia meetings held since 1975 to bring together experts to present and discuss the latest information on dystonia. The Symposium is being organized by the…
Professor Pisani Receives The Bachmann-Strauss Prize for Excellence in Dystonia Research 2019
Dystonia is a distinct movement disorder, a clinical entity determined by genetic and environmental factors. However, dystonia is commonly found as a disabling symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Indeed, up to 30% of Parkinson’s patients can exhibit dystonia as a presenting symptom, or even as a motor complication during the course of the disease. Since 2014,…
Dystonia Europe News Winter 2019
Finally here – our latest newsletter filled with news, updates from member organisations and much more. Happy reading!
EBrains Meeting in Brussel 9-10 December 2019
EBrains is working on building a shared digital brain research infrastructure for the EU. It started with the Human Brain Project Human Brain Project, which goals are to interconnect computer science, medicine and neuroscience to accelerate the understanding of the human brain and its diseases, and to bring this knowledge to the benefits of patients…
Last year Dystonia Europe was one of the first recipient of the BMP (Brain, Mind and Pain) grant from Pain Alliance Europe and Grünenthal for our innovative project MyBrainNet. This is a platform that allows us to create multiple apps and connect these to one platform, where all data is collected centrally. This central platform…