On September 26th A.R.D. (Associazione per la Ricerca sulla Distonia) organized the first Italian Dystonia Day. At the end of last year we had the idea of creating this day and began to draft some concepts. However, in March we realised that due to the Covid-19 pandemic we were compelled to change our plans. Eventually,…
Botulinum Toxin Therapy: An Update
The therapeutic use of Botulinum Toxin (BT) was established some 40 years ago in ophthalmology by Dr Alan B Scott. Soon its use spread into the therapy of various dystonia indications. Ever since, it has been the backbone of dystonia treatment. Average subject-ive improvement is for most indications in the order of 70 to…
New Artificial Intelligence Platform Diagnoses Focal Dystonia with High Accuracy in Less Than One Second
This article was published in Dystonia Dialogue, Winter issue 2020 of DMRF (Dystonia Medical Research Foundation in the US), and we are happy to share it with our readers. The article is about the recently published research using a new diagnostic tool diagnosing dystonia from MRI. Researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear in Boston have…
Jump for Dystonia Winners 2020
#jumpfordystonia2020: the Winning Jumps Last September, we relaunched our 5-year old campaign Jump For Dystonia, to celebrate the freedom of movement with a jump to raise awareness of dystonia. This time with a twist and with the possibility to win some cash prizes. We asked our followers what type of jumper they are: splash, grounded,…
How Dystonia Europe Came to Be, and What a Life’s Work in Patient Advocacy Has Brought Alistair Newton | The Positive Twist Podcast
In today’s episode we hear Alistair Newton tell his dystonia story, as well as share with us his important involvement in the dystonia community. Alistair founded Dystonia Europe as a result of being diagnosed with cervical dystonia himself. He has furthermore been involved in many great initiatives for improving the lives of people living with…