May 25, 2021

Spotlight on the Boston Scientific Foundation Europe (BSFE) – how Digital Health Initiatives are supporting patients across EMEA

In 2019, Dystonia Europe was awarded funding from the  Boston Scientific  Foundation Europe to create the Dystonia Talks awareness videos for that year’s  Dystonia Awareness Month. In this article, we hear from the BSFE President, Sandrine Bazile, as she reflects on the Foundation’s successes and her hopes for the future. Supporting Digital solutions that are…

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May 16, 2021

NORWAY, Digital Dystonia Activities

PhD Jeanette Koht, Norway About Jeanette Koht Working with Dystonia and treatment since 2001. Adviser for  Norwegian Dystonia Association  (NDF) for many years Last  Project together with NDF: Dystonia and physiotherapy Trained neurologist in 2006 PhD Hereditary cerebellar diseases Head of Department of Neurology  Oslo University Hospital. The Norwegian Dystonia Association arranged a webinar with Jeanette Koht…

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May 13, 2021

New Consensus Guidelines for Botulinum Toxin Therapy of Dystonia and Spasticity

Professor Dirk Dressler Botulinum toxin (BT) therapy is based on applying appropriate doses of BT into an appropriate selection of muscles. Both, the list of target muscles together with their BT doses, constitute the dosing scheme. Developing the dosing scheme for each patient individually requires considerable experience and makes BT therapy what some people might call…

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