July 1, 2022

EPF AGM 2022

On the 23rd April, EPF held their Annual General Meeting online. Dystonia Europe is a member of EPF (European Patient Forum). An opening speech was given by Marco Greco, EPF President and Anca Toma, EPF Executive Director. EPF is the leading voice of patient organisations in Europe and promotes patient advocacy. They bring together people,…

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June 28, 2022


Dystonia Europe attended the EPF (European Patient Forum) Congress held in Brussels, Belgium 23rd and 24th of June. Dystonia Europe is a member of EPF, Rau Ganesco, Treasurer of EPF gave an opening speech on behalf of Marco Greco, President of EPF, who could not attend the Congress. Next Stella Kyriakydes, European Commissioner of Health…

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June 22, 2022

AMADYS, France: Workshop on Focal Dystonia: Treatment and Rehabilitation

Since 2018, we have been organising training sessions on the rehabilitation of cervical dystonia and function (writer’s cramp) given by Dr. Jean-Pierre Bleton, in the regions, in person, by communicating with local medical professionals and their federations or health care institutions. We wanted to organise a session for the Paris area and Dr. Bleton had…

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June 15, 2022

David Marsden Award Winner Dr Susanne Knorr

At the end of Dystonia Europe’s annual conference Dystonia Days, President Adam Kalinowski presented the David Marsden Award to Dr Susanne Knorr from the University Hospital in Würzburg Germany, coincidentally the same place that last year’s winner was from. Susanne then went on to present her research ‘The evolution of dystonia-like movements in TOR1A rats after…

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