April 14, 2018

Dystonia Europe 25th Anniversary Celebrations and D-DAYs 2018 in Brussels

On 12, 13 and 14 of April the Dystonia Europe 25th Anniversary celebrations took place in Brussels, Belgium with several events and activities.  Dystonia Europe Delegates from 16 member organisations participated and arrived in Brussels already on Thursday. They were from Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Belgium, Ireland, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, Romania, Germany, Poland.  The…

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April 14, 2018

Germany | Dystonie-und-Du 

On October 14 2017, former members of the self-help group Mannheim / Ludwigshafen decided to found a new SHG: the group Rhein / Neckar. At the same time, the plan to create a new association for people suffering from dystonia matured.   Finally, on November 11, Evelyn & Volker Kreiss, Elke & Horst Roth, Susanne &…

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April 8, 2018

Italy | Run 4 Dystonia in Milan 

On April 8 the 18th edition of the Milan Marathon took place on a warm and sunny spring Sunday. It consisted of 2 different races, with the same itinerary of 42 Km. : one classic agonistic  marathon and a relay race organized by Charity Program, a great solidarity project created and supported by Milano Marathon…

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February 28, 2018


Captive in my body Children’s Joy Association represents people with dystonia in Romania and they organised a national painting exhibition with the title: Captive in my body  The event was dedicated to people with dystonia and it started at the end of February. The last day of February is dedicated to being the International Day…

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