November 25, 2020

How Dystonia Europe Came to Be, and What a Life’s Work in Patient Advocacy Has Brought Alistair Newton | The Positive Twist Podcast

In today’s episode we hear Alistair Newton tell his dystonia story, as well as share with us his  important involvement in the dystonia community. Alistair founded Dystonia Europe as a result of being diagnosed with cervical dystonia himself. He has furthermore been involved in many great initiatives for improving the lives of people living with…

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November 18, 2020

Results of EFNA’s Survey on Stigma and Neurological Disorder

In celebration of World Brain Day 2020, the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) has published the results of its recent survey on stigma and neurological disorder. According to the World Health Organisation, stigma   is a major cause of discrimination and exclusion: it affects people‘s self-esteem, helps disrupt their   family relationships and limits their ability…

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November 3, 2020

United Kingdom – Dystonia Awareness Month September 2020 Action for Dystonia, Diagnosis, Education and Research (A.D.D.E.R.)

A.D.D.E.R. is a dystonia charity based in the North East of England and we have been supporting people with dystonia for 20 years. We are a small charity in that our committee is made up of only 7 volunteers, 6 of us have dystonia in various forms and all 7 of us give our time…

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