April 17, 2021

EPF AGM 2021

On 17th April 2021, EPF Members gathered online for the 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM). EPF-European Patient Forum is a strong and transparent pan-European organisation that Dystonia Europe is a member of. President Adam Kalinowski and Operations Manager Merete Avery participated in the meeting, representing Dystonia Europe. EPF has a Board of 9 volunteers and…

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April 5, 2021

Dystonia Organisations Worldwide

Recently Dystonia Europe launched a new page on its website with the collection of dystonia organisations worldwide. At the moment you find organisations listed in Europe, North and South America and Australia. https://dystonia-europe.org/about-us/dystonia-organisations-worldwide/ We hope that this page can support and help dystonia patients and medical profession in finding the dystonia patient association they are…

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