12 October the Norwegian Dystonia Association (NDF) held it’s meeting in Ålesund, a charming small city on the west coast of Norway. The leader of NDF Johan Arnfinn Warvik welcomed all and informed about the work of the organisation. NDF has a focus on many areas, like networking with the National Health providers, Neurologists, Physio-therapists…
Opening of DBS Educational Platform in Leuven
At the Health House in Leuven the first interactive patient education platform on Deep Brain Stimulation was launched – DBS Select. The invited guests were divided into two groups and then taken on a tour to discover the DBS storyline following the patient journey from considering DBS, implant of DBS, and the outcome. Participants could…
Dystonia Awareness Month 2019 & Dystonia Talks
First of all a great THANK YOU to all of you who took part in our Dystonia Awareness Month on-line activities last September. The success would not have been possible without your support and help in sharing our posts, videos, quotes etc. For the third year Dystonia Europe was taking part in the Dystonia Awareness…
7th Edition of the Childrens Joy Association Event: Dystonia Rehabilition for Adults and Children in Romania
People with dystonia have participated, as well as their families or but also specialists in the field of rehabilitation. From three cities in Romania -Timisoara, Zalau and Baia Mare. Before the workshop, the patients had a social meeting, in the Dr I.Trifon Medical Clinic, where they could visit the cabinet where physiotherapy is practiced. During…
7th Biennial Workshop on Dystonia and Parkinson’s Disease in Rome
This workshop took place on September 18th and 19th; its planner was Prof Antonio Pisani (Tor Vergata University, Rome) who has organised this event since 2007. Dystonia and Parkinson’s disease have traditionally been viewed as distinct movement disorders. However, compelling clinical and experimental evidence suggest that these diseases can share, at least to some extent,…