
Schweizerische Dystonie-Gesellschaft (SDG)
Association Suisse contre la Dystonie (ASD)
Associazione Svizzera contro la Distonia (ASD)

Chairman: Hanspeter Itschner

Contact person: Claudia Schmid
Bergstrasse 20
CH-8132 Hinteregg

Phone +41 44 984 29 13
Mobile +41 79 632 21 65

Email: claudia.schmid@dystonie.ch
Website: www.dystonie.ch


Founded in 1994, the Swiss Dystonia Association now has about 250 members. They are organized in 6 regional groups speaking German, French, and Italian. Newsletters are published regularly in German and French, as well as other information material. The Medical Advisory Board consists of doctors treating all forms of dystonia.