
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Osób Chorych na Dystoni

Chairman: Jacek Partyka
E-mail: jacek.partyka@dystoniapolska.pl
Tel: +48 503453399

SP Centralny Szpital Kliniczny Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach,
40-752 Katowice,
ul. Medyków 14, Poland

Contact person:
Stanislaw Ochudlo
Email: stanislaw.ochudlo@op.pl
Tel:  +48 600424331

Website: www.dystoniapolska.pl

One of the main activities of the Polish Society of Dystonia Patients is to increase awareness of the condition among the public and medical profession and to help patients find the best treatment available. Sharing information and experiences with other patients is another step forward to achieve the publicity dystonia needs.