Germany – DyD

Dystonie-und-Du e.V

Chairperson: Ulrike Halsch

Tel: +49 30 843 19 035

Email: or


Photo: Ulrike Halsch

On November 11, 2017, 8 people founded the self-help organization “Dystonie-und-Du”. Since February 2018 we are a non-profit association. It is our mission to help, support and communicate with people that have the disease dystonia.  Our motto is: Not alone  – but together And: Not the club, but the victim is important. 

Three of our six board members are equipped with DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) which is why the focus of our association is on deep brain stimulation. 

We also offer our help in social matters. 

In August 2019 we founded the international group “Myoclonus Dystonia”.  We look forward to working with Europe!