January 31, 2016

1st Dystonia Europe Think-Tank held in Lund Sweden

Last Friday, 29 January, representatives from the four Platinum sponsors of Dystonia Europe joined in the 1st Think-Tank with the members of the DE Board in Lund Sweden. Among the topics discussed were dystonia research and how to raise dystonia awareness. Great input and feedback from all made it a valuable day. The next Tink-Tank…

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December 5, 2015

Double Anniversary of the Austrian Dystonia Association

Double Anniversary of the Austrian Dystonia Association “You’re not alone” On December 5th in Vienna, the ÖDG celebrated its 20th Anniversary as an association and its 25th Anniversary as a Dystonia self-help-group. Christa Hafenscher founded in 1995 the Austrian Dystonia Association, five years after she had launched a Dystonia Support Group. The Anniversary was celebrated…

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October 2, 2015

David Marsden Award 2015

The 2015 Award of € 10,000 is generously sponsored by Ipsen Pharma and has been awarded to Dr Cathérine C S Delnooz for her paper on: Task-free functional MRI in cervical dystonia reveals multi-network changes that partially normalize with botulinum toxinA. The research was performed at the Radboudumc, Nijmegen, during Dr. Delnooz’s neurology training. Currently she…

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September 11, 2015

Health Professionals in Slovenia learn about dystonia 

The Medical Congress ”Heart & Soul” held in Portoroz, Slovenia, last September, attracted about 400 participants: family doctors, physiotherapists, nurses and many others from the medical field in Slovenia. Dystonia was one of the topics on the programme and after Neurologist Nina Zupancic, Ljublana, had explained to the audience about dystonia: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment,…

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July 6, 2015

Dystonia Europe in Germany 

The annual meeting of DDG, the German Dystonia Association, was held in Kassel. President Robert Scholten from Dystonia Europe took part in the meeting. After the medical presentations, there was the opportunity to take part in a Jump for Dystonia photo shoot. We would like to thank DDG in all their work to help increase…

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