A 2-day workshop on Governance was organised by the European Federation of Neurological Associations – EFNA, in Dublin, Ireland last week. It was held alongside the Extra General Assembly and members of the EFNA Board as well as representatives of member organisations from disease areas such as epilepsy, Huntington’s, ADHD, ataxia, Brain tumor and more…
Norwegian Dystonia Members Annual Meeting 2017 in Trondheim
This weekend the Norwegian Dystonia Association held its Annual Meeting and General Assembly in Trondheim, Norway. Around 40 members (dystonia patients and family members) had come from all over Norway for the 2-day-meeting. President Anniken Hansen welcomed everybody and gave an update of the achievements of the Association over the past year. The 3-year Physiotherapy…
3rd Dystonia Europe Think Tank in Lund Sweden
Last week of January the 3rd Think Tank was held in Lund, Sweden. The Dystonia Europe Board had come to Lund earlier in the week for the first board meeting of the year to plan and discusse this year’s activities and projects. Tink Tank participants are the Board members and representatives from our Platinum sponsors. For…
Dystonia Experts Meet at Toxins 2017 in Madrid
The TOXINS 2017 took place in Madrid this last week. Over 1000 basic scientists and clinicians from over 50 countries attended the meeting. The scientific program featured presentations on the latest developments in the science and therapeutic practice of neurotoxins, basic science and clinical didactic tracks, poster sessions, and a number of practical workshops. Together…
ENVI Publication on “Living with a Neurological Brain Disorder – Taking Control of Your Life”
Last October Dystonia Europe participated at an ENVI Workshop in the EU Parliament about: “Living with a neurological brain disorder – taking control of your life”. Recently a study was published and please find it here: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/595331/IPOL_STU(2016)595331_EN.pdf