June 12, 2015

Dystonia Europe at Boston Scientific US  

The Boston Scientific headquarters are in Valencia, California. Before the MDS in San Diego, Monika Benson paid a visit to the manufacturing site for a guided tour, followed by a ”Lunch N Learn on dystonia” for the employees. Monika presented the work and mission of Dystonia Europe, as well as her own dystonia story. At…

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May 31, 2015

Global Expert Summit in Berlin 

The Global Expert Summit organized byr Merz Pharmaceutical attracted about 400 physicians, physiotherapists, Merz representatives from all over the world last May in Berlin. On the programme were various sessions on ”How to improve treatment outcomes and satisfaction of dystonic patients”. Among the faculty were Professors Dirk Dressler from Germany and Joseph Jankovic from the…

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May 12, 2015

Patient Perspective in Focus at Merz Global Leadership Meeting

Last week over 100 Merz leaders from 20 countries were gathered in Mainz, Germany for the Second Merz Leadership Summit. Merz is a family owned German company manufacturing botulinum toxin. The 2-day meeting opened with focus on the Customer & Patient Perspective. Dystonia Europe Executive Director Monika Benson, who is a dystonia patient herself, shared her…

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April 23, 2015

Medtronic Announces European Approval of Full-Body MR Conditional Deep Brain Stimulation Systems

Yesterday Medtronic announced that systems within its Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Therapy neurostimulators have received European regulatory approval for MR Conditional full-body Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MRI scans have become a diagnostic standard of care, allowing physicians to detect a wide range of health conditions by viewing highly detailed images of tumors, internal organs, blood…

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March 28, 2015

Dystonia Europe in Finland 

The Finnish Dystonia Association, Suomen Dystonia-yhdistys ry, had invited their members to a meeting in Åbo/Turku Finland on March 28. Neurologist Nina Collan-Suvanto gave a presentation explaining the various forms of dystonia and treatments available. Monika Benson was invited to share her Dystonia Story and talk about the work of Dystonia Europe. The meeting ended…

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