Last February the SDF – the Swedish Dystonia Association celebrated its 25th Anniversary in Stockholm, Sweden. The organization held its Annual General Assembly and about 35 members attended. Leaving President Beng-Eric Calles welcomed everybody to the meeting. After the formal part three physiotherapists gave a workshop on physiotherapy and dystonia. After a short introduction they held…
Winter Think Tank 2019
Dystonia Europe Winter Think Tank 2019 was held in Lund, Sweden last February. Members of the board and representatives of our Platinum sponsors: Merz, Ipsen, Medtronic and Boston Scientific took part! We thank everybody for their support, fruitful discussions and inspiring brain-storming sessions! Together we work to raise awareness of dystonia, share information, support education…
Dystonia Europe Founding President Receives Honour at Buckingham Palace
Founding President of Dystonia Europe is honoured by Queen Elizabeth II for his 30 years’ work for dystonia and other neurological patients across Europe. Our founding President, Alistair Newton, has received the honour of becoming a Member of the Ancient Order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to dystonia and other neurology patients across…
How To Access Innovative Therapies
Medical science has been rapidly advancing in recent decades and we can prove that with many examples: new therapies for diabetes, a vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer, oral treatments for Hepatitis C curing more than 90% of the cases, the first Lupus drug in 50 years, personalized medicines to treat the most dangerous…
MyBrainNet – a Digital Platform for Brain Diseases
We are very excited to present our new project: mybrainnet. All made possible by the first BMP grant which Dystonia Europe, together with two other projects, was awarded last June in Brussels. The Brain, Mind, and Pain Patient-Centred Innovation Grant has been initiated by Pain Alliance Europe and supported by Grünenthal Group with the main…