April 10, 2023

Winter Think Tank 2023

From left: Monika Benson, Merete Avery, Jukka Sillanpää, Catalina Crainic, Sissel Buskerud, Susanne Proesche, Ipsen, Gill Ainsley, Oleks Gorbenko – Ipsen and Abdullah Alghourani – Merz Dystonia Europe Winter Think Tank 2023 was held in Brussels on 1st March. Members of the Think Tank are our Platinum sponsors: Ipsen, Merz and Medtronic and all DE…

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December 10, 2022

Launch in Europe: Dystonia Physio Exercise HUB – a Digital Platform with Exercises for Cervical Dystonia

  One year ago, a digital platform for cervical dystonia was launched in Sweden, and a few weeks ago, on 28 November it was time for the launch in Europe. Research has shown that Botulinum toxin injections (BoNT-inj) combined with physiotherapy provide good benefit for most people with cervical dystonia (CD). Advanced treatment with Deep Brain…

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