Beginning of February the Swedish Dystonia Association held its Annual General Assembly in Stockholm. About 20 people attended the event and there was also a representative from the Norwegian Dystonia Association. At the formal meeting a new Chairman was elected. His name is Mats Nyberg and he is a teacher in physics and math at a senior high school in central Stockholm. He succeeds Bengt-Erik Calles who held the post for many years. Bengt-Erik remains a board member. After the formal meeting there was a coffee break.
Then followed a presentation with Dystonia Europe Executive Director Monika Benson who presented the work and activities of Dystonia Europe. There were many questions from the audience. It was suggested that there is more information in the newsletter of the Swedish Dystonia Association to inform them about the latest news of Dystonia Europe, what videos are available, invitations to webinars etc. This is something that can be considered in many other national newsletters.
We wish Mats and his team much success in their work for dystonia patients in Sweden.
Monika Benson, Executive Director
Dystonia Europe

The new SDF President Mats Nyberg and his team