David Marsden Award 2009 was awarded to Dr. Ana Djarmati and Dr. Susanne A. Schneider.
The David Marsden Award Winner 2007
David Marsden Award 2007 was awarded to Dr. Mirta Fiorio, Department of Neurological and Vision Sciences, University of Verona, at the EFNS Congress in Brussels, for her Paper “Defective temporal processing of sensory stimuli in DYT1 mutation carriers: a new endophenotype of dystonia?”
The David Marsden Award Winner 2005
David Marsden Award 2005 was awarded to Dr. Victor Candia, Collegium Helveticum, Univ. and ETH Zürich, at the EFNS Congress in September in Athens, for his Paper “Effective Behavioral Treatment of Focal Hand Dystonia in Musicians alters Somatosensory Cortical Organization”.
The David Marsden Award Winner 2003
David Marsden Award 2003 was awarded to Dr. Mark Edwards, Institute of Neurology, London, for his Paper “Different Patterns of Electrophysiological Deficit in Manifesting and Non-‐manifesting Carriers of the DYT1 Mutation”.