September 11, 2015

Health Professionals in Slovenia learn about dystonia 

The Medical Congress ”Heart & Soul” held in Portoroz, Slovenia, last September, attracted about 400 participants: family doctors, physiotherapists, nurses and many others from the medical field in Slovenia. Dystonia was one of the topics on the programme and after Neurologist Nina Zupancic, Ljublana, had explained to the audience about dystonia: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment,…

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July 6, 2015

Dystonia Europe in Germany 

The annual meeting of DDG, the German Dystonia Association, was held in Kassel. President Robert Scholten from Dystonia Europe took part in the meeting. After the medical presentations, there was the opportunity to take part in a Jump for Dystonia photo shoot. We would like to thank DDG in all their work to help increase…

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June 21, 2015

EFNA – Empowering Patient Neurology Groups

Alongside the EAN Congress in Berlin, EFNA (European Federation of Neurological Associations) held its General Assembly. A new President, Ann Little (representing the International Bureau of Epilepsy) was elected. She takes over after Audrey Craven who stepped down after almost four years in the position, leading the work to implement EFNA’s new strategic direction. An…

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June 12, 2015

Dystonia Europe at Boston Scientific US  

The Boston Scientific headquarters are in Valencia, California. Before the MDS in San Diego, Monika Benson paid a visit to the manufacturing site for a guided tour, followed by a ”Lunch N Learn on dystonia” for the employees. Monika presented the work and mission of Dystonia Europe, as well as her own dystonia story. At…

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May 31, 2015

Global Expert Summit in Berlin 

The Global Expert Summit organized byr Merz Pharmaceutical attracted about 400 physicians, physiotherapists, Merz representatives from all over the world last May in Berlin. On the programme were various sessions on ”How to improve treatment outcomes and satisfaction of dystonic patients”. Among the faculty were Professors Dirk Dressler from Germany and Joseph Jankovic from the…

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