September 25, 2023

30th Anniversary Deutsche Dystonie Gesellschaft

Saturday 26 August DDG Dystonia Dystonie Gesellschaft had a member meeting in Fulda at hotel Esperanto. This also marked 30 years of the organisation and in the evening there was a Anniversary Dinner. Dystonia Europe was invited and President Edwige Ponssel and Operations Manager Merete Avery attended. The meeting started 9.15 in the morning with…

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September 18, 2023

Cervical Dystonia Patient Journey Performance at EAN Congress

At the beginning of July the EAN (European Academy of Neurology) 2023 Congress was held in Budapest, Hungary. DE Executive Director Monika Benson attended the event. As reported earlier Dystonia Europe has together with Ipsen and ERN-RND (European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases) developed the Cervical Dystonia Patient Journey which was published in 2022….

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May 15, 2023

The Norwegian Dystonia Association Annual General Assembly and 30th Anniversary

In a meeting room, decorated for the Anniversary, the President Johan Arnfinn Warvik of the Norwegian Dystonia Association (NDF), welcomed about 60 members attending the Annual General meeting and 30th Anniversary Celebration at Quality Hotel Olavsgaard, Skjetten, Norway. Many attended which indicates that the organisation is very active and important for many. In addition Johan…

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May 3, 2023

Training for Physiotherapists in Sweden

During the last week of March the second part of the workshop “Physiotherapy and Cervical Dystonia” took place at the Scandic Plaza Hotel in Umeå, Sweden. The first part of this training took place last October. Physiotherapist Johann Blom   Together with Göran Olsson from Swedish Dystonia Education, Physiotherapist Johanna Blom welcomed the participants to…

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