Dystonia Europe Summer Think Tank Meeting with Board, Staff and Partners.
Dystonia Day 2021
Welcome to our Dystonia Day 2021. For program and information see: https://dystonia-europe.org/dystonia-day-2021-online/ Register here. F
Dystonia Europe Webinar 9: Current Dystonia Research Projects

On Monday, July 19th we will host the ninth webinar in our series! This time, we invited specialists to talk about Current Dystonia Research Projects. Learn about European Dystonia Research Consortium: EurDyscover and dystonia research projects. Webinar title: Exploring dystonia pathophysiology using rodent models – Current projects in European Consortia for dystonia research. Watch with…
Dystonia Europe Webinar 7: Writer’s Cramp

On March 25th we will host the seventh webinar in our series! This time, we invited specialists to talk about focal dystonia – Writer’s Cramp, focusing on Assessment and Rehabilitation Management. Watch with the possibility to ask a question live on Zoom! To join, simply click on the link below on Thursday, March 25 at 19:00…
Dystonia Europe Webinar 6: CARE FOR DYSTONIA IN TIMES OF COVID-19 Management strategies, vaccination, and more…

On March 4th, we will host the sixth live webinar in our series! This time, we invited specialists to talk about dystonia in times of pandemic. Watch with the possibility to ask a question live on Zoom! To join, simply click on the link below on Thursday, March 4 at 18:30 (Central European Time Zone)….