May 19, 2024

JUST PUBLISHED: The Third New Edition of The Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy


The year 2024 begins with a new book: The Manual of Botulinum Toxin Therapy, one of the best-selling botulinum toxin books, has now been published in its third new edition by Cambridge University Press. ‘We are delighted that this book has been able to establish itself over the years as the standard work on botulinum toxin therapy and that it has found such worldwide distribution,’ says Prof Dr Dr Dirk Dressler, Head of the Movement Disorders Section at Hannover Medical School and one of the editors. The book is characterised by its comprehensive coverage of the entire spectrum of current botulinum toxin therapy indications by an international panel of high-calibre authors. ‘We have emphasised practical aspects as much as possible, which is reflected in the large number of very clear and instructive illustrations,’ says Dressler. Translations into numerous languages are planned again to meet global demand.


Dirk Dressler, MD, PhD

Dirk Dressler, MD, PhD

Dirk Dressler, MD, PhD

Professor of Neurology

Head of Movement Disorders Section

Department of Neurology

Hannover Medical School

Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1

D-30625 Hannover, Germany