After twelve (!) years of waiting and five (!) years of preparations we finally gathered in Dublin to convene the Samuel Belzberg 6thInternational Dystonia Symposium. After the Barcelona meeting in 2011, we heard that it was the best dystonia symposium people had ever attended; we hear now that the 6th one was even better!
Three days of meticulously planned sessions, carefully negotiated topics, and participation of essentially everyone deeply involved in dystonia research was a showcase of progress and advancement in all aspects of the dystonia field.
Talks ranged from fundamental summaries of clinical aspects of the dystonias to the very latest developments in fundamental understanding of it thanks to phenomenal progress in genetics, neurophysiology, animal modelling and other areas of dystonia neuroscience. Poster presentations, rapid five-minute talks and quick point of view debates added intensity and novelty to the symposium. The pace of presentations was impressive, the intensity of coffee-break discussions incredible and inspiring.
We hope that it will not take 12 years until the next meeting in this series.
- Doctors David Martino and Fransesca Morgante together with Dystonia Europe President Edwige Ponseel
- Prof Maja Relja, Croatia and Prof Marie Vidailhet, France
- DMRF Canada and DMRF USA

Dystonia Europe
From left: Monika Benson Executive Director, Sissel Buskerud Treasurer and Gill Ainsley, Vice President and Secretary

Dystonia Europe Board arrived at the 6th Symposium on Dystonia in Dublin