November 15, 2021

EurDyscover Annual Meeting Update

On November 16 the annual meeting of the EurDyscover Consortium was held on-line. Professors Chi Wang Ip and Jens Volkmann welcomed the participants. Each working group then gave a presentation and update on the progress of the work. The Consortium includes specialists from dystonia expert centers in Germany, Czech Republic, France, Italy and Portugal.

By using multiple methods, translational approach and transnational collaboration the consortium aims to  discover the pathophysiology of dystonia – role of  gene-environment interaction and common pathophysiological pathways. The 3-year research   project is funded by a grant of the European Joint Programme for Rare Diseases


Last July professors Chi Wang Ip and Jens Volkmann took part in a webinar for Dystonia Europe. Here they explain the work of the research project. The webinar is available on the DE YouTube channel:

Monika Benson
Executive Director
Dystonia Europe