Coinciding with the European Academy of Neurology’s annual congress, Dystonia Europe – together with the European Federation of Neurological Associations [EFNA] – will organise a special session entitled: Dystonia Today.
When: Saturday, June 29th, 2019 from 9.00 am – 10.30 am.
Where: Arena Thon Hotel, Room Romerike – Nesgata 1, 2004 Lillestrøm, Norway
Recommended Audience: Health Professionals, Students/Residents/Trainees, Non-physician Health Professionals, Patients, industry representatives
Speakers and presentations will include:
Maja Relja: Dystonia: under-diagnosed condition
Kailash P.Bhatia: Clinical evaluation of dystonia
Marie Vidailhet: Therapy of dystonia
What will I learn?
Dystonia is a neurological disorder in which sustained and/or repetitive muscle contractions result in twisting and repetitive movements and/or abnormal posture. Dystonic movements are typically patterned, twisting and may be tremulous and painful. Dystonia is difficult to recognize due to its large phenomenological complexity. Thus, the use of dystonia specialist is essential for better recognition and management of dystonia. Although an under-diagnosed condition, dystonia syndromes (DS) represent the third most common disorder in movement disorder centers. We have shown lack of specific training in dystonia by general neurologist (GNs) general practitioners (GP) as well as other allied health professionals in the study performed by European network for the study of DS (A Valadas et all. J Eur Neurol 2015;0:1). Although treatable condition DS has a great impact on patients social life, functional and working capacity and Quality of Life (QoL). Recognizing dystonia is important for patient treatment and QoL.
Come along to hear how we can better recognize, evaluate and treat Dystonia Today!
With an opportunity to ask questions of the experts in this field.
How do I sign up?
If you are interested in attending this event, please sign-up by completing the online form available here:
Places are limited so please register before June 13th, 2019.
Note: You do not need to be registered for the Congress to attend this session as special badges will be provided to external attendees
Other information
All presentations will be delivered in English.
Tea/coffee and snacks will be served during registration from 8.30am outside the meeting room.
- Prof Marie Vidailhet
- Prof Kailash P Bhatia
- Prof Maja Relja
- Welcome to Oslo!