Dystonia Europe Executive Director Monika Benson is a Board Member of EFNA. This week she attended its Management Committee Meeting in Brussels.
The work of EFNA is concentrated around four pillars: Awareness, Empowerment, Advocacy, Engagement which guide the EFNA Board on what projects and activities to focus on. At the meeting EFNA Executive Director Donna Walsh presented the draft Operational Plan for 2019.
Some of the successes of EFNA is the joint collaboration with Pain Alliance Europe with the Brain Mind and Pain Interest Group. Since its inception in 2015, the group has held almost 20 meetings at the European Parliament, focussing on the themes of: Stigma, Quality of Life, Patient Involvement and Research.
TINA – Training Initiatives for Neurology Advocates is another successful project
Since its launch in 2016 EFNA has held 4 pan-European, 1 regional and 6 national workshops in three years – on a wide variety of topics.
These projects will continue and plans are being made on themes, format etc to be included in the Operational Plan for 2019.
The following day the EFNA Annual Corporate Partners Meeting was held with representatives from the EFNA Board, industry partners and other organisations. The objective of this meeting is for the EFNA partners to be informed on the various projects and activities planned and to receive their valuable feedback and advice.
Visit EFNA for more information on their work, annual reports, strategy etc.
- Participants arriving…
- Welcome from EFNA President Joke Jaarsma
- Participants.
- Executive Director Donna Walsh giving a presentation on the EFNA work, projects and activities.
- EFNA Vision
- Senior Advocacy Coordinator Tadeusz Hawrot