The Norwegian Dystonia Association, NDF, held its Annual Meeting and General Assembly at Hotel Olavsgaard, outside of Oslo this weekend.
About 50 members had gathered for the 2-day event. Chairwoman Anniken Hagen welcomed everybody and then informed about the past and upcoming activities and projects.
The very successful 3-year physiotherapy project is soon coming to an end. In August, when the last workshop has been held in Tromsö, 82 Norwegian physiotherapists will have received special training in physiotherapy and cervical dystonia. Other than Tromsö the course has been held in Oslo, Arendal, Bergen and Molde. It consisted of two workshops over two days each with both theory and hands-on training on dystonia patients.
The following presentation was made by Kjersti Böe, who spoke about coping strategies in general when facing life’s challenges and ups and downs. She stressed the importance of mindfulness, breathing techniques and mental training.
After lunch Merete Avery and Monika Benson from Dystonia Europe informed about the work and activities of our organisation. Focus was of course on the upcoming D-DAYs in Oslo on 8 & 9 April. The programme and the various speakers were presented more in depth. Both Norwegian and international dystonia specialists will be in Oslo and share their knowledge and expertise. Read more about the programme here.
On Sunday morning the General Assembly for the Norwegian members was held.
We would like to thank NDF for inviting us to this occassion with the opportunity to share what Dystonia Europe is all about to your members.
We also would like to complement you on all the good work you do for dystonia patients and their families in Norway. We wish you much success in the year to come.
- Chairwoman Anniken Hagen welcoming the participants.
- Welcome to Norway.
- and to the annual meeting and general assembly.
- Hotel Olavsgaard.
- Registration desk welcome with Tove and Torild.
- Welcome!
- Tove
- Next big dystonia event in Norway will be the Dystonia Europe D-DAYs.
- Kjersti Böe talking about coping strategies.
- Problem solving.
- Mental strength can be trained.
- Merete and Monika informing about Dystonia Europe…
- …its mission and activities and projects.
- Vice Chairman Johan Arnfinn Warvik welcoming everybody to the gala dinner.
- Good teamwork between NDF and DE: Merete Avery, Anniken Hagen and Monika Benson