Last weekend the Dystonia Europe D-DAYS 2014 & the 21st Annual Conference was held in Paris, France. Presidents Robert Scholten of Dystonia Europe, and Stéphanie Frehel of AMADYS, welcomed the 120 participants from 18 countries to a two-day meeting with various presentations on dystonia, such as: Dystonia in Children, Oromandibular Dystonia, Writer’s Cramp, Surgical Treatment, Coping with Dystonia and many more. Abstracts will soon be available on the DE website. We thank Professor Marie Vidailhet for the organization of an excellent scientific programme.
During these first Annual D-DAYS, the launch of some exciting Dystonia Europe projects took place: the Dystonia Community, the APP – My Dystonia, and the awareness campaign Jump for Dystonia. More information will soon be available.
We thank speakers & chairs, sponsors & organizers, AMADYS & Dystonia Europe members & everybody else who participated and contributed to a successful event!
Photos by Stephan Röhl, Germany.
- JUMP FOR DYSTONIA in Paris 2014!
- Professors Marie Vidailhet and Kailash Bhatia with Dystonia Europe President Robert Scholten.
- AMADYS team: Capucine Devred, Stéphanie Frehel, Beatriz Cangas together with Jean Pierre Bleton.
- Happy D-DAY from all participants in Paris.
- Professor Maja Relja from Croatia playing with the Jump for Dystonia balloons.
- Boston Scientific representatives in a JUMP for DYSTONIA!
- Dr. Serge Pinto talking about Voice & Dystonia.
- Marlies Reijns from the Dutch Dystonia Association.
- Physiotherapist Jean-Pierre Bleton demonstrating various exercises together with one of his dystonia patients.
- Capucine Devred from AMADYS France.
- Stefan Wiemann of Merz explaining the dystonia APP: My Dystonia to DE President Robert Scholten…
- … and to Professor Maja Relja from Croatia.
- Anna Moiana, delegate of ARD, the Italian Dystonia Association.
- Dystonia Europe former Executive Director Alistair Newton.
- Professor Kailash Bhatia.
- Professor Marjan Jahanshahi talking about Coping with Dystonia.
- Jens Tyle Petersen of the Danish Dystonia Association.
- Audience…
- Dr. Christophe Vial talking about Writer’s Cramp.
- Dystonia Europe, Chair and Sponsor!
- D-DAYS audience
- Professor Jean Paul Adenis and Dr. Sophie Sangla chairing the Friday afternoon session.