On September 6 & 7 Dystonia Europe celebrated its 20th Anniversary with the Conference “Achievement & Hope” in Edinburgh Scotland. About 85 participants from all over Europe attended the 2-day-event. The program contained a variety of presentations such as for example DBS treatment, Physiotherapy, Genetics, Living Well with Dystonia and many more. Read more about the presentations here.
At the Friday evening’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner, DE founder and Executive Director, Alistair Newton was honored with speeches and a gift from all Dystonia Europe member groups.
At the Dystonia Europe General Assembly President Monika Benson stepped down after serving the maximum period of 6 years. Robert Scholten of the Netherlands was elected the new President. Other new board members were: Merete Avery from Norway, now serving as Secretary and Heike Wolf taking on the Treasurer’s tasks.
- Welcome everybody!
- Time for registration and DE t-shirts for sale!
- Dystonia Europe members arriving.
- Sandrine from Ipsen helping at the registration desk.
- Aileen Dorrian, DE book-keeper selling a Dystonia Europe t-shirt to Dr. Jean-Pierre Lin.
- Dystonia Europe President Monika Benson: Welcome everybody!
- Dystonia Europe Executive Director Alistair Newton setting the scene.
- About 85 participants had gathered in Edinburgh.
- Professor Christine Klein from Germany.
- Happy audience listening to many presentations.
- Professor Marie Vidailhet from Paris.
- Professor Joachim Kraus from Germany.
- Professor Rose Goodchild from Belgium.
- Professor Maja Relja from Croatia.
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Lind speaking about Children’s dystonia.
- The chairs professors Alberto Albanese from Milan and Kailash Bhatia from London.
- Delegates from Norway.
- Happy Anniversary Dystonia Europe!
- Surfing,
- chatting,
- laughing,
- among friends from the industry, Adam Pinter from Medtronic,
- the medical profession, physiotherapist Jean-Pierre Bleton from Paris,
- and Scandinavian delegates.
- Alistair Newton surrounded by his family.
- Anniversary event…
- …with a Scottish touch.
- Alistair Newton welcoming everybody to the Anniversary Dinner…
- …at the Royal College of Surgeons.
- Professor Alberto Albanese giving a speech.
- Dystonia Europe President Monika Benson proposing a toast to Dystonia Europe!
- Thank you Alistair for all you have done for dystonia over the last 20 years.
- Dystonia Europe has many friends.
- Look out for the dystonia awareness campaign of 2014 – Jump for Dystonia!
- Professor Marie Vidailhet and Phsyiotherapist Jean-Pierre Bleton hope to see you at the Dystonia Europe Annual Conference in Paris 2014!