Dystonia Europe Webinar 6: CARE FOR DYSTONIA IN TIMES OF COVID-19 Management strategies, vaccination, and more…

On March 4th, we will host the sixth live webinar in our series!

This time, we invited specialists to talk about dystonia in times of pandemic.

Watch with the possibility to ask a question live on Zoom!

To join, simply click on the link below on Thursday, March 4 at 18:30 (Central European Time Zone).


We also encourage you to send questions in advance. If you have any questions related to the topic of the webinar, please send it to sec@dystonia-europe.org and we will ask a specialist during the webinar.

Presented by: Pr Marie Vidailhet, Profesor of Neurology, Movement Disorders, ICM institute, Salpetriere, Pierre Marie Curie University, AP-HP, Salpetriere, Paris, France

Moderated by Dr Christophe Vial, Neurologist, Amadys Scientific Committee President, Lyon, France