Books on dystonia

Here is a list of books and other resources on dystonia, some written by Medical Authors and others by people living with dystonia. Most books can be ordered at Amazon, and some maybe also at your local book store or with your national bookstore online. There is a link to each book that will for most books take you to Amazon where you can order the book.

This is a list of some books on dystonia. Some are written by Doctors and may have many medical terms. Others are written by patients and as dystonia can manifest in many different ways, what is beneficial for some patients may not apply for all dystonia patients. If you want to purchase any of these books, we encourage you to read reviews on Amazon when available or do other research.

Dystonia Europe do not promote these books, but simply try to share books and resources that are available on dystonia.

Dystonia Europe do not sell any of these books but have a limited amount of “Lifting the Lid” by Dr. Brigitte Girard, free of charge, €15 for shipping and handling.

“Blepharospasm Lifting the Lid”

Author: Professor Brigitte Girard

Prof. Brigitte Girard, an ophthalmologist, has been treating patients suffering from blepharospasm for more than twenty years.
This book explores the various facets of Blepharospasm and reports some real-life cases. Patients will recognize their own experiences. This book is both for patients and medical professional.
If you would like a copy of this book send an email to Dystonia Europe:
The book has no cost, but we charge €15 for shipping and handling. We have a limited number of books in English.

“Treatment of Dystonia”

Authors: Professor Dirk Dressler; Professor Eckart Altenmuller; Professor Joachim K. Krauss.

This is a comprehensive reference for neurologists, neurosurgeons and physical therapists on the treatment of all dystonias in children and adults.

You can purchase Treatment of Dystonia here

“Living Well with Dystonia: A Patient Guide”

Author: Daniel Truong MD

This empowering and encouraging resource and tool, written for both individuals with chronic condition and their families, provides an overview of a variety of dystonias, (including cervical dystonia, spasmodic dysphonia, and writerÌs cramp) and the breadth of treatment options available, as well as practical advice for improving quality of life.
Written by three acclaimed neurologists, Living Well with Dystonia will help you:
Understand your specific dystonia and how it progresses
Address the hidden symptoms such as social embarrassment.

You can purchase Living Well with Dystonia here

“Torsion Dystonias”

Author: Vadim Belenky, Olga Klicenko, Andrei Stanzhevsky

Biochemical and PET Studies, experimental, acupuncture and homeopathic.
The authors give the readers their observations on the pathology and treatment of the debilitated disorder of central nervous system – dystonia. The tendency towards increase of serotonin exchange had been revealed, and antiserotoninergic agent Ondansetron, HT – 3 antagonist, proved to be effective, given once in three months. The descripency of PET studies in dystonia is due to prolong drug treatment, and ourdata of 18F FDG PET study of dystonic patients suggest hypometabolism of some cortical and subcortical areas in the disorder. For acupucture treatment of dystonia we applied Nakatani and Akabane tests and the later revealed deficiency in great yan junction, i. e. small intestine and urinary bladder vessels, and the former redundancy in kidney vessels. Our patients benefited from acupunctre treatment aimed to correct a forementioned energetic dysbalance. We used Nakatani test for matching homeopathic remedies as alternative to Foll’s method Homeopathic remedy made from patient’s own DNA proved to be effective both in Nakatani testing and in clinical application in dystonia treatment.

You can purchase the book on Torsion Dystonias here

“We Summit together: A collection of Empowering Stories by Empowered Women”

One of the co-authors: Tracey McCann who has dystonia

This is a book with different stories, and mostly not on dystonia, however one of the co-authors are Tracey McCann, who have dystonia.

You can purchase We Summit Together here


“Recommenced, Motivation and Inspiration”

Author: Tracey McCann

An inspirational book written by Tracey who has dystonia.
Tracey Ellen Maria was born on the 10th of February 1988. She had lived a relatively ‘normal’ suburban live up until the age of 8 when she was suddenly struck with a life changing disability. After experiencing years of psychological trauma via the physical and mental pain that she underwent from an early age, Tracey is now a changed woman, a woman on a mission to tell her story and inspire change within the lives of each person with whom she meets. She is now an Author, Life Coach and Public Speaker
You can also read more about the book here,

You can purchase Recommenced here

“Empowering Abilities”

One of the co-authors: Tracey McCann who has dystonia

Tracey is living a successful, happy and free life, because she made a choice to continue going on, she chose to continue being her best. ​She also assists others in gaining that much needed self-confidence, and also, to live the life that they deserve.
Empowering Abilities is a collection of stories written by 14 individual authors most of whom have a physical disability.
In this book there are 14 chapters in total (1 for each author) which all have a specific theme.
The below is a brief summary of this book.

You can purchase Empowering Abilities: Written by “The Voices of the Voiceless” here

“The Day My Hand Stopped Playing Treating Musician’s Dystonia: Aurélien’s story”

Author: Coralie Cousin

Book about Musician’s Dystonia.
Dystonia Europe is pleased to present the new book by Coralie Cousin, a French therapist who has been close to our Medical and Scientific Advisory Board for many years. We are delighted to welcome this book, as musician’s cramp is rarely documented or reported.
With a degree in physical therapy, Coralie Cousin has been specializing in the rehabilitation of the musician’s hand dystonia for twenty years. Coralie Cousin has set up her medical practice: “Kiné des Musiciens” in Paris, France and has treated and advised more than 6000   musicians.

You can purchase The Day My Hand Stopped Playing here

“Diagnosis Dystonia: Navigating the Journey”

Author: Tom Seaman

Tom Seaman has dystonia and the book is written from a patients view. You will find information for those newly diagnosed, as well as those who have been living with dystonia for years. Tom’s perspective as a long time dystonia patient is offering coping skills, healthy living strategies. He also provides practical information for emotionally adjusting to the diagnosis and subsequent lifestyle changes, and how to live in the world with something “different.” Testimonials from other patients provide additional perspective.

You can purchase Diagnosis Dystonia here

“Intertwined. How to induce neuroplasticity. : A new approach to rehabilitating dystonias”

Author: Joaquin Farias

Joaquin Farias has a doctorate in biomechanics, as well as master’s degrees in neuropsychological rehabilitation, psychosociology, and ergonomics.

You can purchase How to Induce Neuroplasticity here

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